You must not use the aforesaid artful sport for covetousness, merely for the increasing or saving of your money, but mainly for your enjoyment and to procure the health of your body and, more especially, of your soul. -Dame Juliana Berners, A Treatyse of Fyshynge with an Angle, 1496.

Spring /Summer Newsletter

Posted on June105, 2022

We're pleased to be sending you our just-published issue of STREAMSIDE.
Here is the latest NEWSLETTER

A Place To Rest

Posted on May 21, 2022

A Place To Rest - Photos By Seymour & Krause
Saturday, May 14, about 15 of us gathered at French Creek to pay our respects to Jack Mickievicz and his family. Jack was the founding president of the Dame Juliana League. He was much more to his friends. A bench in remembrance of Jack has been placed by us on a magic bend in the creek. For those who would like to know a little more about Jack please take the time to read his obituary and a couple of short pieces; one by Jack and one written about him:

A Quiet Bend in The Creek - Jack's Bench

Peggy Barnes Adding Geranium Flourishes

Our Host Dick Allebach

A Place To Rest

Jack's Gear

Bob Molzahn & Joe King

Jeff Nissle Offers A Few Words About Our Friend

The Mickievicz Family: Scott (Son), Cindy (Scott's Wife), Erin & Adam, (Jack's Grandchildren) & Carol (Jack's Wife)

New DJL Hats

Posted on April 3, 2022

New DJL hats now available. Click HERE for more information

Recent Event

Posted on March 31, 2022

Winter/Spring Newsletter

Posted on March 5, 2022

We're pleased to be sending you our just-published issue of STREAMSIDE.
Here is the latest NEWSLETTER

Painting Donation

Posted on November 22, 2019

Two years ago, one of our members, Lois Barnes, an accomplished artist, donated two paintings she had done to Dame Juliana League for use as a fundraiser for the club. The subjects of the paintings were French Creek looking upstream and downstream. Lois knows the subject well as she lives on the creek on Sheeder Mill Rd. We on the board wanted to properly honor this gift from Lois and we felt that donating these paintings to both East and West Vincent Townships, through which French Creek flows would be the best way to do so. Accordingly, on 13 November, Emerson accompanied Lois to the East Vincent Township board meeting where Emerson was thanked and Lois was honored. Thanks, Lois!

Helping out our veterans

Posted on February 7, 2017

Project Healing Waters is a great organization and presents an opportunity for all anglers to give back to a special group of people in our community. Here, one of DJL's founding members, Jack Mickievicz demonstrating rod building techniques for a veteran building his own fly rod.

Project Healing Waters

Posted on September 19, 2016

The following is a thank you card the club received from Project Healing Waters

IFFF Council Name Change

Posted on October 2, 2013

Our International Federation of Fly Fishers (IFFF) council name has changes from "Mid-Atlantic" to "Chesapeake". Click HERE to find out more about the Chesapeake Council.

Congratulations! You've found our new website!

Posted on January 1, 2012

This is the new home page for the Dame Juliana League Fly Fishers DJL Over the coming months we will be adding some new features in order to keep you better informed of the clubs activities, and hopefully provide some tools so that current members can contribute to our photo gallery and journal. For the very latest, check our calendar of events. -Tight Lines!